Przyszłość Gminy Pobiedziska to innowacyjność szanująca naturalne środowisko i dziedzictwo kulturowe oraz stwarzanie jak najlepszych warunków dla życia mieszkańców.

The future of the Pobiedziska municipality lies in innovation respecting the natural environment and cultural heritage, as well as creating the best possible living conditions for its residents.

On 1 February, a conference inaugurating the „Green-Blue Pobiedziska” project took place in the Training Room of the TIP- TOPOL company, during which the assumptions of the project, its objectives and products, which will be achieved through the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and education measures, were presented. The speakers introduced the subject of climate protection and the course of the project co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

The moderator of the meeting was Dr. arch. Tomasz Jeleński – academic teacher, urban planner, graduate of the Faculty of Interior Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow and the European School of Classical Architecture, who represented the Norwegian partner of the INTBAU Norway project.

The meeting was opened by Ireneusz Antkowiak, Mayor of Pobiedziska Town and Municipality. In his presentation, he familiarised the gathered guests and partners with the ecological activities of the Pobiedziska Municipality over the years. He pointed out that the future of the Municipality is innovation respecting the natural environment and cultural heritage, as well as creating the best possible living conditions for residents. Barbara Gralak-Podemska, an employee of the TIP – TOPOL company, talked about environmental management in the company.

Arne Sødal and Frederica Miller from INTBAU Norway presented their experiences in implementing green and blue infrastructure. They paid special attention to the preservation of traditions and regional identity. INTBAU, an organisation under the patronage of Prince Charles, strives to preserve and develop local building, architectural and urban traditions, in a way going against the grain of globalist trends. It is a global network dedicated to creating better places to live through traditional building, architecture and urban planning.

Prof. Dr. Bogdan Chojnicki – Polish scientist, doctor habilitated in agricultural sciences, engineer, associate professor at the Poznań University of Life Sciences gave a presentation entitled „Climate change – an introduction to climate protection, green and blue infrastructure” . „Climate change – an introduction to climate protection, green and blue infrastructure” . The professor recalled the quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry that we do not inherit the Earth from our parents, but borrow it from our children.

During the discussion, the topics of increasing the resilience of the Pobiedziska municipality to climate change through the implementation of green-blue investments and the improvement of environmental awareness among residents were addressed.

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